The present site constitutes a work of the mind within the meaning of the provisions of articles L 111-1 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property and, as such, “” benefits in its capacity as author of this original creation from a protection and rights reserved by the law.

The use of this service is reserved for strictly personal and private use. Any partial or total reproduction or representation for other purposes on any support is forbidden, except with the express and prior authorisation of “” in its capacity as author.

The non-observance of this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and penal responsibility of the infringer against whom “” reserves the possibility of claiming compensation for its entire loss.


“” and/or its affiliated companies are the owners of the rights attached to the brands, company names, commercial names, signs and other intellectual property rights, the existence and validity of which is expressly recognised by all users.

No mention is made of any rights relating to other trademarks, company names, trade names or signs, whether registered or not, which may be attached to certain terms or signs used on this site. However, the absence of such a mention does not imply that these trademarks, company names, commercial names, signs, terms or signs are not protected.

It is expressly recognised and acknowledged by all users of this site that any product, service or technology described in these documents may be the subject of other intellectual property rights for the benefit of “” or a third party. No right to use such intellectual property rights is granted here.


Director of publication: Agnès Couturier.
Company: Pagan – 255, route de Saint-Jean 26190 Saint-Laurent en Royans – S.A.R.L. with a capital of 7,500 Euros SIRET 444 036 388 00031 APE 4690Z – R.C.S 444 036 388 Grenoble
Development: Connivence – Hosting: OVH


This website allows access to the “” data as a whole. Therefore, the data on this site may include references to “” products, services or technologies not available in your country. The presence of such references does not imply that “” intends to announce such products, services or technologies in your country.

Information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes may be periodically made to the information herein and such changes will be incorporated in new editions. “” may make improvements or changes in the products, prices, services, and technologies described in this site at any time without notice